Hi to everyone,
Hunter arrived yesterday evening around 7pm in the Santiago Cathedral square. We were there to greet him and document his arrival on film. After his 40+K that day, he was very tired, needless to say. Wick and I are thrilled to see him. It's been over two weeks since we have been together.
We tried very hard not to pepper him with questions right away. He got cleaned up and into the fresh clothes we had bought him, then off to dinner we went for some Italian food. Hunter ate a huge quantity of the delicious ravioli, and after a good night's sleep, he's perking up to enjoy the touristy fun of Santiago. In many ways it reminds us of St. Augustine, but it's had hundreds of years' headstart to accumulate souvenir shops. There are wonderful shops and buildings, of course, but we were in the mood for the fun of shopping for silly items for family and friends.
Hunter has just spent over 30 minutes trying to get some photos on the blog without success. So Wick and I don't feel as inadequate as we did. We'll just have to wait on that.*
We just happened to run into Claude (rhymes with Road) from Quebec as we were walking through the Plaza. We met him at a cafe a week or so ago and ate lunch together. We ended up running into Claude two other times over the course of two days and ate dinner together. A Camino friendship.*
Leoni and Sina from Germany happened to walk into the plaza while we were waiting for Hunter. We had met them two weeks ago. They were walking the Camino together after the death of Leoni's husband (Sina's father) just three weeks before starting their pilgrimage.*
It's been great fun for Hunter and us to run into the peregrinos he knows from the trail. That's one of the charms of actually walking--having mini reunions with your trail friends in the streets of Santiago.
I'm just about out of time.
Hasta luego,
*These photos and captions were added on Oct.20 at home.