This past Sunday after walking in the rain for about four hours I came to what Henry Blackeby in Experiencing God calls a crisis of belief. Why in the world were we putting ourselves through this difficult pilgrimage? Every little thing seems difficult at times, i.e. getting enough good food, washing clothes, finding a place to stay, finding a restroom (or bush), just walking, etc. Fortunately, we came to a beautiful little private hostel/restaurant and were able to get a room. Helen and I then had the afternoon to reflect and rest. God knew exactly what I needed. In my time of reflection, I wrote the following. They are no in any particular order.
1. God is in both the highs and lows. (My spirits and the trail.)
2. God provides just what you need when you need it.
3. Even with God´s beautiful creation all around, too much of the time I am still focused on slogging through it and making "progress" rather than just enjoying it.
4. Pain is a real part of this fallen world, but God is with you in it. (Helen is a great example to me.)
5. I have an incredibly comfortable life compared to most of the world and need to appreciate it and be more thankful.
6. I can do with a lot less than I have now. There are very few real necessities.
7. Possessions are heavy to carry. Our need to have our stuff on this trip has made our packs (with water) weigh around 25 pounds. That is a lot to carry all day long. Unnecessary stuff should be given away to lighten the load.
8. We only think we know where we are, but most of the time do not. Only God really knows and can give us His perspective. (We were walking into Pamplona and thought we were in the city only to find out the next day we were just in the outskirts in a suburb.) Only by being in fellowship with God can we get our true bearings.
9. God´s provision is in all things both big and small. I need to acknowledge His provision of everything.
10. Just because things don´t go as expected does not mean they aren´t going well. Go with God´s flow. (An example of this is that I was disappointed in not being able to walk more of the camino. My usual "not acomplishing enough" attitude showing itself. However, by slowing down and not being in a hurry, I can enjoy the moment and particulary this time with Helen. Also, there is no big time pressure to get to Santiago. We have plenty of time and will get there when we get there.)
11. Each step on the trail is a gift to be enjoyed and appreciated. We ate dinner with a girl the other night who had stayed in an alburgue one night and a man died in his sleep from an apparant heart attack.
12. I really am a selfish slug who likes his creature comforts. Alburgue living is helping me to appreciate and value my comfortable life at home.
13. Blessings abound and it is just a matter of recognizing them.
From the trail,
This bank of hydrangeas was in front of a large residence on the Camino. The flower clusters were about 14" across. Gorgeous.*
*These were added Oct.19. at home.